Friday, September 21, 2012

Common Dieting Mistakes

Common Dieting Mistakes

Losing weight and maintaining that weight loss, while also remaining fit and building muscle is often more of an art than a science. Everyone is different, and so we all respond to different combinations of foods and workouts to attain the ideal body. However, there are many common mistakes that people make when attempting to combine a weight loss diet with a muscle-building diet. Avoid these mistakes and you will be on the right path to getting a well toned body. Even if you are not looking to build extra muscle these rules still apply to weight management. Zero Fat Diet This is possibly the most common mistake people make, as people mistakenly think that eating fat makes you fat. Fat is generally very high in calories, and so should be limited. However, healthy fats such as those found in fish and olive oil are very good for us, as they break down cholesterol, keeping the arteries clear for improved blood flow. Fats are also essential (thus the term essential fatty acids) for various bodily functions such as hormone management. Fitness enthusiasts who follow the primal diet even recommend more saturated fat. When Becca Wilcox tried a low fat diet she [...]

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